
Original price was: ₹8,000.00.Current price is: ₹6,000.00.

  • Tranquility: Promotes a calm and serene atmosphere.
  • Spiritual Connection: Facilitates communication with angelic beings and higher realms.
  • Mental Clarity: Enhances mental clarity and sharpens intuition.
  • Peaceful Energy: Brings a sense of peace and relaxation to the environment.
  • Stress Relief: Soothes anxiety and stress, promoting emotional well-being.
  • Communication: Improves communication skills and fosters clear expression.
  • Meditation Aid: Ideal for meditation, enhancing focus and spiritual awareness.
  • Emotional Healing: Supports emotional healing and balance.
  • Sleep Aid: Helps promote restful sleep and peaceful dreams.
  • Creativity: Stimulates creativity and inspiration
Product Name Celestite Cluster
Material Stone
Weight 1 kg
Brand Crystal Empire siri
Shape Round
Celestite Cluster, often called the "stone of heavenly communication," offers various benefits. It promotes tranquility and inner peace, creating a serene atmosphere wherever it's placed. This crystal is believed to enhance communication with angelic beings and facilitate connection with higher realms, making it ideal for meditation and spiritual practices. Celestite Cluster also encourages mental clarity and sharpens intuition, helping you make decisions with confidence. Additionally, it soothes anxiety and stress, bringing a sense of calm and relaxation to the mind and body. Overall, Celestite Cluster is a gentle yet powerful crystal that supports spiritual growth, emotional well-being, and peaceful energy flow.


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